Saturday, February 28, 2009

Personal hygiene, Dandruff and related problem, How to treat it.

What should we know about Dandruff and its treatment.

What is Dandruff ?

Dandruff is an excessive flaking of the skin on the hairy area of the scalp, with some skin flakes caught amongst the hair, shedding of surface skin cells is normal, as they are gradually replaced with cells formed at the base of the epidermis which then move towards the surface, this process takes about a month, an increase in the number of cells being shed , which tend to clump together is called dandruff, if the scalp is excessively dry, what appears to be dandruff may just be dry flaking skin.

The causes of dandruff and dry scalp:

Dandruff (or flaky dry scalp) is an itchy, discomfort and persistent skin disorder of the scalp, today most skin specialists agree that dandruff is associated with a tiny fungus called Pityrosporum ovale. Dandruff is thought to be caused by overgrowth of Pityrosporum ovale which live on normal skin, this fungus lives on our bodies and scalp all the time, usually without causing a problem, but unfortunately for some people, the fungus increase in numbers, leading to dandruff, various environmental factors make the condition more serious, such as perspiration, climate, inadequate diet as well as stress, hormonal activity, or even a person's genetic, dandruff is often known as "dry scalp", but people with oily scalps tend to suffer most, an oily scalp supports the growth of Pityrosporum ovale. this overgrowth causes local irritation resulting in hyper-proliferation of the cells (keratinocytes) forming the outer layer of the skin, these form scales which accumulate and are shed as dandruff flakes.
Dandruff is most easily recognized as whitish scales on the scalp and red around the hair follicles, if the scales are yellow and greasier than normal dandruff scales, and your skin is red and itchy, you may have a severe form of dandruff known as seborrheic dermatitis. This may spread to other areas, for example the eyebrows, beard, or the folds around the nose.

Latest research has been focusing on the role of sebum as a cause of dandruff, sebum is the oily substance secreted by the glands around the hair follicles, it should be noted that neither dandruff nor seborrheic dermatitis occur commonly before puberty, an age when sebum production starts to be stimulated, dandruff is more common in areas where sebum production occurs, overproduction of sebum is therefore an important factor, this is why people with oily hair are more likely to suffer from a dry flaky scalp!

Treatment of dandruff:

To treat dandruff, particularly if it is severe, use medicinal which relieves severe itching, flaking, tender and inflamed scalps while leaving the hair soft, shining and manageable, pH of 5.5 will protect the cuticle of the hair, preventing further damage to the skin, once the condition has been brought under control, use antidandruff shampoo or medicated shampoo to help discourage growth of bacteria and fungi.

How does antidandruff shampoo work ?

Antidandruff shampoos work by three mechanisms, ingredients such as coal tar are antikeratostatic and they inhibit keratinocyte cell division, detergents in the shampoo are keratolytic to remove warts and other lesions in which the epidermis produces excess skin, they break up accumulation of scale, antifungal agents such as ketoconazole inhibit growth of the fungus itself, other components such as selenium sulphide also inhibit fungus growth .

Coal Tar

Coal tar is a dark brown or black liquid of high viscosity, which smells of naphthalene (camphoraceous) and aromatic hydrocarbons. Coal tar is among the by-products when coal is carbonized to make coke and coal gas. Coal tars are complex and variable mixtures of phenols, polycyclic-aromatic-hydrocarbons (PAHs), and heterocyclic compounds, The NPF states that coal tar contains approximately 10,000 different chemicals, Coal Tar can be used in medicated shampoo, soap and ointment, as a treatment for dandruff, psoriasis, and to repel head lice.

How Coal Tar works ?

It is not clear how coal tar works, it may reduce the turnover of the skin cells, reduces inflammation and have 'anti-scaling' properties.

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation and the FDA, coal tar is a valuable, safe and inexpensive treatment option for millions of people with psoriasis (psoriasis is a common skin condition which commonly develops as patches of red, scaly skin) and other scalp conditions, concentrations between 0.5% and 5% are safe and effective for psoriasis, and no scientific evidence suggests that the coal tar in the concentrations seen in non-prescription treatments is carcinogenic, contact of coal tar products with normal skin is not normally harmful, therefore, coal tar creams can be used liberally and can be used for both large plaques of psoriasis, and for widespread small patches, for some people coal tar can cause skin irritation, a contact allergy, or an acne-like rash, but this occurrence are temporary and clear if the cream is stopped. modern creams typically contain between 0.4% and 2% crude coal tar. Crude coal tar is the most effective form, mainly used in hospital skin departments, typically in a concentration of 1 to 10% in a soft paraffin base, however, it is messy and smelly to use, only few people can tolerate it. Some coal tar preparations are used to add to bath water which can also be helpful for widespread psoriasis.


Ketoconazole belongs to imidazole group, it is synthetic antifungal drugs inhibit the enzyme cytochrome P450 14α-demethylase, that converts lanosterol to ergosterol (ergosterol inhibitors / lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase inhibitors), which is required in fungal cell membrane synthesis. Ketoconazole is used topically, it is very lipophilic which leads to accumulation in fatty tissues, ketoconazole is best absorbed at highly acidic levels, so when taken orally, antacids or other causes of decreased stomach acid levels will lower the drug's absorption.


The less toxic and more effective triazole compounds fluconazole and itraconazole have largely replaced ketoconazole for internal use.

Fluconazole (INN) is a triazole antifungal drug (fungistatic) used in the treatment and prevention of superficial and systemic fungal infections. In a bulk powder form, it appears as a white crystalline powder, it is soluble in alcohol , but very slightly soluble in water.

fluconazole inhibits the fungal cytochrome P450 enzyme 14α-demethylase (ergosterol Inhibitors / lanosterol14 alpha-demethylase inhibitors), same as ketoconazole, this inhibition prevents the conversion of lanosterol to ergosterol, an essential component of the fungal cytoplasmic membrane, and subsequent accumulation of 14α-methyl sterols.


Itraconazole invented in 1984, is a triazole antifungal agent, the drug may be given orally or intravenously. the mechanism of action of Itraconazole is the same as the other triazole antifungals, like ketoconazole and fluconazole, it inhibits the fungal cytochrome-P450-oxidase, mediated synthesis of ergosterol.

Zinc Pyrithione

Zinc pyrithione is a coordination complex of Zinc, while pyrithione is the conjugate base derived from 2-mercaptopyridine-N-oxide (derivative of pyridine-N-oxide), the pyrithione ligands, which are formally monoanions, are chelated to Zn2+ via oxygen and sulfur centers.

Zinc pyrithione is colorless solid as an antifungal and antibacterial agent, was first reported in the 1930s, in the crystalline state, zinc pyrithione exists as a centrosymmetric dimmer, each zinc is bonded to two sulfur and two oxygen centers. In solution, the dimers dissociate via scission of one Zn-O bond.

Its antifungal effect is proposed to derive from its ability to disrupt membrane transport by blocking the proton pump that energizes the transport mechanism, fungi are capable of inactivating pyrithione in low concentrations.

Zinc pyrithione is best known for its use in treating dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. It also has antibacterial properties and is effective against many pathogens from the streptococcus and staphylococcus class. Its other medical applications include treatments of psoriasis, eczema, ringworm, fungus, athletes-foot, dry skin, atypical dermatitis, tinea, vitiligo.

Zinc pyrithione is approved for over-the-counter topical use in the United States as a treatment for dandruff, It is the active ingredient in several anti-dandruff shampoos, in its industrial forms and strengths, it may be harmful by contact or ingestion.

Selenium Sulfide

( SeS )

Selenium sulfide is an orange-yellow powder that is practically insoluble in water and organic solvents. When heated to decomposition, it emits toxic fumes of sulfur oxides (SOx) and selenium (Se).

When applied topically, Selenium sulfide in an antidandruff shampoo containing 2.5% selenium sulfide, exhibited no carcinogenic effect in mice; however, these studies were not conclusive because the length of study was limited to 88 weeks by the relatively short lifespan of the strain of mouse (NCI 197, 1980; NCI 199, 1980). There were no data available to evaluate the carcinogenicity of selenium sulfide in humans !!!

Selenium sulfide is used especially in shampoos to treat seborrhea, FDA reports that Selenium sulfide is an active ingredient in some drug products to treat dandruff and certain types of dermatitis, an antidandruff shampoo containing 1% selenium sulfide is available without prescription and is recommended for use once or twice a week, by prescription, a shampoo or lotion containing 2.5% selenium sulfide is available, with the recommended application limited to 10 minutes for 7 days to avoid the possibility of acute toxic effects, and a 2.5% aqueous suspension of Selenium sulfide has also been approved by the FDA for marketing by prescription for treatment of Tinea versicolor fungal infection.

The primary routes of potential human exposure to selenium sulfide are dermal contact, ingestion, and inhalation, residues of selenium sulfide remain

on the scalp after rinsing, although there is no substantial absorption through intact skin, absorption has been reported in patients with open lesions on the scalp or in

patients using a 1% cream on the back (NCI 199, 1980), a patient with scalp lesions that used selenium shampoos had a level of selenium sulfide as high as 32

µg/ml in her urine (NCI 194, 1980).

Green for Life

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Green Mosquito Repellents, Repel the Mosquitoes naturally.

A Community Health

How to Control Mosquito

Part 7: Green Mosquito Repellents, Repel Mosquito naturally !

Environment friendly – Eco friendly :

The environmental friendly (eco-friendly) and biodegradable natural insecticides derive from herbs and plants origin are alternative green mosquito repellent. Repellents of plant origin have been used for medicinal purposes for a long time because they do not cause hazards of toxicity to human beings and are easily biodegradable, when compared with other synthetic chemical compounds, natural products are far safer for human beings use.
The chemical contents extracted from herb and plant materials can be used as larvacides, insecticides, and repellents, herb and plant products have been used in many parts of the world for killing or repelling mosquitoes either as extracts, oils or as the whole herbs or plants, many natural products have been tested for repellent activity against mosquitoes, for examples: Ocimum species, Eucalyptus species and Lemon grass.

In addition to using mosquito repelling plants, we want to consider some other factors that can help keep mosquitoes away. Mosquitoes find their host by following carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other components that human beings breath out, mosquitoes key in on carbon dioxide signatures of warm-blooded creatures, humans have a CO2 signature of their own which mosquitoes love them best, blood is close to the surface of the skin. Citronella oil (contains Citronellal) sprayed and misted into the air confuses the mosquitoes because it interferes with their ability to detect CO2. Many outdoors-people have noticed that mosquitoes have a greater attraction to people that have been eating processed foods, sugary foods, on the other hand, mosquitoes less attracted to people eating more of a natural diet such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, the processed food diet may make our body odor and blood chemistry more attractive to mosquitoes, beside that, diets high in garlic and onions have been noted to help reduce the attraction of mosquitoes.
We must realize that natural does not always mean safe, because many people are sensitive to plant oils, some of the natural insect repellents are toxic, therefore, although natural repellents provide an alternative to synthetic chemicals repellents, please be careful to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using natural insect repellent products.

Please be noted that different species of mosquitoes are
repelled by and attracted to different things.

Mosquito Repellent Herbs and Plants:

There are a variety of both wild and cultivated herbs and plants that repel mosquitoes, plant-based mosquito repellents are especially useful for people who spend a great deal of time in the wilderness. There are many attractive garden herbs and plants that repel mosquitoes, planting these herbs and plants that repel mosquitoes is a great choice for our house, these attractive herbs and plants do not just enhance the landscape, but we can have a pretty ornaments that also drive mosquitoes away, moreover, it is not only earth-friendly way of repelling those insects, it will add beauty to your gardens, and will not harm our health.

It is important to note that there are many chemical compounds found in the herbs and plants that do repel the mosquitoes, those chemical compounds need to be released from the herbs and plants to increase the mosquito-repelling qualities, depending on the species of herbs and plants themselves, they can be released by either crushing, drying, extracting or steam distillation of the herbs and plants into extracts or oils or alcohol bases that can be applied to skin, clothing, or living rooms, there are also herbs and plants that are best used as smokes, which releases the volatile organic compounds in a smokes.

There two different opinions on Mosquito repellent herbs and plants:
1. First opinion: people who are sure that Just standing near living plants that repel mosquitoes is often not effective, the herbs and plants must be crushed to release the aroma, otherwise mosquitoes can't smell them.
2. Second opinion: people who are sure that those herbs and plants can repel mosquitoes effectively, due to the characteristic aromas they have which mosquitoes don’t like.
Nevertheless, we appreciate, those are free opinions, based on their experiences. It is better to try than do nothing (No Action, Talk Only).

Mosquito Repellent Herbs:

Zodia / Evodia suaveolens :

Zodia or Evodia suaveolens (Rutaceae) is a genuine Indonesia herb, originally from Papua Island. Zodia can repels mosquito, either indoor or outdoor, this is due to its characteristic aroma containing evodiamine and rutaecarpine which mosquitoes don’t like them. It should be noted that Zodia does not kill the mosquitoes, but only gets rid of or repel them from surroundings, Zodia is used besides as mosquito repellent herb, it is also used as decorative plant in house garden. The Papua people usually rub Zodia’s leaves on their skin when they are going to the forest to prevent mosquitoes’ bites, they also believe that Zodia can repel mosquitoes from its surroundings, when there is wind blowing across the herbs, their leaves scratched each other, producing aromatic organic compounds which caused the mosquitoes go away, its scents (stink / unpleasant odor) are totally unacceptable to mosquitoes, so many people now cultivate and place the Zodia herbs at home indoors as well as in front of the doors and the windows (outdoors)


Gas Chromatographic result of the Oil produced from the leaves of Zodia contains 46% Linalol and 13,26% alpha-Pinene, which area well known as mosquito repellent. Examinations to Aedes aegypti mosquito (mosquito causing dengue desease) indicate that the arms which have been rubbed with leaves of zodia is protected against the mosquito attack during 6 hours compared to arms which are not rubbed. The ability of zodia to repel the mosquito is equal to 70%, more over, the skin bitted by the mosquitoes will faster relief when rubbing with Zodia leaves.

Lavender / Lavandula officinalis

Lavender or Lavandula angustifolia - Mill. Failia Labiatae,
The essential oil obtained from the flowers is very good scented, has a very wide range of applications, it can be used as an insect repellent, the aromatic leaves and flowers are used as an insect repellent, to deliver an aromatic sweet smell to house rooms and to repel mosquitoes.

Citronella Grass

Citronella Grass (Cymbopogon nardus) which grows in tropical regions, is the most popular cultivated plant used for repelling mosquitoes, Citronella oil obtained from Citronella grass contains Citronellal that has insect repellent properties, research shows high repellent effectiveness against mosquitoes. Citronella oil is the primary ingredient in most natural insect repellents, products applied to the skin are most effective.

Ocimum basilicum

Sweet Basil or Ocimum basilicum (Lamiaceae) is an effective insect repellent, it is a good plant to grow in house, where it repels insects, essential oil obtained from the whole plant when applied to the skin it makes a good mosquito repellent.

Rosemary / Rosmarinus officinalis

Rosemary or Rosmarinus officinalis (Labiatae) belongs to mint family. Its native habitat is the area around the Mediterranean Sea and Portugal, now cultivated in many countries, its leaves are long and skinny like pine needles. Rosemary flowers which are violet in color, bloom briefly in spring, Rosemary is a great natural mosquito repellant herb, its essential oil contains eucalyptol (cineole) is considered to have potential antibacterial effects, and has mosquito repellent properties.

Additional cultivated plants that repel mosquitoes:

Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Marigolds (Tagetes spp.)
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)
Garlic (Allium sativum)
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.)
Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

Related Articles:

Studying mosquito life cycle to best control of them.

Can we paralyze the mosquito battery sensors?

Do Insecticides & Pesticides no harm to human beings?

How to choose more user friendly Insecticides?

Which Mosquito Repellents are safe for use?

Natural Sources Mosquito Repellents.

Green Goes with Everything: Simple Steps to a Healthier Life and a Cleaner Planet